Monday, July 16, 2012

Paisley Caves, south central Oregon -

Clovis, Western Stemmed and Paisley Caves

By , Guide

 Pre-Clovis appear to have been more broadly-based hunter-gatherers, and it is hypothesized that they entered the continents along the Pacific coastline some 15,000 years ago. One of the problems with pre-Clovis is there hasn't been a recognizable lithic technology that looks much different than non-Clovis Paleoindian and American Archaic. What the discovery of Western Stemmed at Paisley means is, maybe that's because Pre-Clovis wasn't really that much different from American Archaic, and maybe that's because Pre-Clovis is ancestral to American Archaic, and non-Clovis Paleoindian, and (oops) Clovis Paleoindian, too.

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