See full article at
"The Telegraph"
This is an interesting article and should raise a conversation on what is ethical. But should ethics limit what could be discovered that could help humanity now?
Speaking of ethical creations - In the latter 70's when I was stationed at Ft Polk, LA, working at the US Army Hospital's OBGYN ward. We had a doctor who was quite willing to discuss abstract ideas. The concept of creating life from an egg and a skin cell was discussed between myself and this doctor. He said if you took an egg with only 23 chromosomes and a skin cell when it was duplicating its self when it also only had 23 chromosomes, that the egg could be impregnated with it. We discussed this for a couple of hours in between patient care. He also stated that this would be done with a skin cell from a woman and that it would never be developed because most scientist doing these studies were men and if they actually created a way to do it - Women would no longer need men. He stated that men would then either become extinct or be kept as play things for women... LOL! That would never be good for humanity.
WE females need our Male counter parts.
Just a thought for today...